(The Trust Fame and popularity Assets, work & personal life Admin and retrieval)


They do claim I am probably unaware that my career is being wasted up and down the Country and all over the world too but I am well aware that poof Leo as far as the birth sign reading gimmick was concerned and every American idiot showing up here to capitalise on my challenges and build me more as abusively as their fascist state with the HQ in Washington and the Media allowed will not cease showing up here to try and make money at my expense abusively, if the complain about me had grown to a global proportion. I am aware of the mess being made, as much as it will not take the hint that its stupidities had no meaning or purpose around here and only served to distract me from my 18 to 65 affairs like it was 20 years ago, that big mouth suggesting they had looked for trouble until they had found it naturally – poof Leo will not yet take a hint unless everything their stupidities got away with was used to pay for all the mess that they made, as to ensure that they did not show up here with stupidities at my expense which expressed the idea that if allowed, they would stop at nothing. It is not really a crisis, just the fact that in the world of capitalism where people paid for my products which these idiots never did and escalated my problems as part of helping me build a market in the partnership we kept, I am allowed to do it the way that I saw fit. This trouble seeking at my expense has gone on since 2010 and I am writing this as a matter of schedule and finances with respect to the insulting practical jokes in 2024.

The core of their problem here is that I have worked on the matter of their gestures, insults and practical jokes which had made it impossible for Clients to engage with the Bookshop and left me cash strapped for a decade on the administration front without any results whatsoever be it big or small, now I have not follow the attrition route, it would appear that sleaze only bothers these idiots; the busy bodied society twats, the famous idiots and their fans, the Governmental Office pricks, the Media when they were affected, at which point their response took the same pattern as their war on public policy that causes them to control women and presume to lecture me about how to behave with the stupid well off neighbourhoods, and I would fancy they stayed away from my financial margins and the structures which facilitate it not complain to authorities about me and lecture me about sleaze as well.

I am then informed that it was very unusual that despite how much trouble I am in, I lived with a mentality which suggested that I am perfectly alright – I could never understand as what they were referring to if all the issues mentioned above were eliminated, is what is actually concerned with the Kings leadership – a leadership which suggests these thieving, lying, narcissistic, would do anything for money as long it the sufferings were transferred to other people which is easy to do with money idiots, could then show up here progressing from greed and insults to a point of physical touch about which they first had to complain to their stupid Government Office pricks who were going to say someday that I had a right to stand up for myself but at present were spending decades of my time being corrupt to amass wealth for their families and claim I am the person doing the wrong thing. A leadership that is largely a product of the fact that the King did spend most of his years in training for his role, persecuting his mother with misogyny, so it was possible that the Queen may have made a dying wish that he should not be allowed to access her legacy. What these idiots were feeling at this point apparently is that the famous persons insults, well off neighbourhoods and victims of everything trolls who ensured my clients cannot engage with Books which left me cash strapped to spend the problems I solved through the Books on themselves and progress from insults and greed to promises of violence, is that there was no incentive for their stupidities to keep their imagination out of my panties apparently, the Celebrities on the other hand have developed the second run of handling my assets to make money and tackling me by becoming a paid version of problems they were complaining about with promises of physical violence that their corrupt security pricks will assist them with – so I suppose the point their stupidities are making is that it was possible for the poor to oppress the wealthy and powerful, even when it now means that since they were no longer victims of everything, when I faced problems and difficulties their unusual interest in my affairs would mean that they possessed resources I could handle – the first time around, their interest in my finances and career was meant to prevent them committing crimes and their government office idiots who were now supporting the idea that businesses and government operatives should not get involved with me because I did not have money to keep away from crime or buy products by, were the centre piece for any gimmicks expressed at my expense. They do eventually flatter themselves with the idea this was a losing battle for me whereas the idiots have never really learned their insults and greed, lip flapping and gestures could cause my clients to be traumatised since it is a Bookshop that I am keeping and I have now arrived at a point where it is the well off neighbourhoods, the trolling idiots and the celebrity privacy alongside the public image that will be destroyed for each time this Bookshop was too noisy for the Clients to engage – the Politicians being a different story since their case was to do with trashing my career to lay foundations for the Country and leaves me wondering what they supposed they were doing with their career from my point of view, leaving only the cause of all my problems i.e. famous idiots goading me over public control matters and making the solutions offered by my Books into a problem itself because they want to be the centre of attention, finishing off with claims it is supposed to cover their backside for a living and making those stupid campaigns of communities that finger my bum, claims I am a coward and ideas I about fighting communists, so much sleaze that any who engaged with the Books suffered tummy upsets and I had to talk about it for a living, before getting famously confused about the reasons I did what I did and how it is about to progress from this point, considering that none was likely to buy Books by making vagabond public place appearances, they were not Book readers, about which I had to make my responses as good as it looks too, likely to end up in a situation where I did teach them a lesson that they will never forget. So it is not a matter of a losing battle or living in a world where I am in a huge amount of trouble but was deluded, these idiots need to fool around with their own career for a change and if I had to make that painful I certainly am motivated enough to do so at this point; the cause of the problem always being that they were narcissists, I possessed a public image and ought to get to a stage where since involvement with it felt good and I ended up on social security because it did, I got to make a statement about what they thought was a toy was actually my life, which I never will as their stupidities were able to make that statement for themselves at the point that they solicited assistance from people who were more powerful – the statement I want to make will concern the well off neighbourhoods that their criminal fans had built, the famous idiots ripping up my patents and clinging to making money by selling my public image whilst killing my Book sales to make themselves the centre of attention and the fact the trolls seemed to live in a world where they have not had enough problems just yet. We now need to get on by existing in a world where there is a process in which clients could not engage with my Books on the blue corner and carnage for the well off criminal neighbourhoods of celebrity fans, an attack on Celebrity privacy and public image, alongside trolls who lived in extreme complications, which should help make the point they were torturing me to make, that it was possible for the poor to oppress the wealthy and powerful. 

From here, it was all personal life problems, a history I accrued on these matters which I had to explain to a person that had settled down with me in matrimony, until Italian idiots married my wife at the Monarchy, German influence gits helped Celebrities breach my patents and cling to my income and Celebrities goaded me over public control matters to ensure criminals built a habit at my expense. Like the idea I am not a threat to them, we have never seen instances where they got seriously hurt to such an extent the Government had to intervene except for instances of expressing their stupidities up to the point where it was a problem for others, like the current gimmick that shares my privacy with hoodlums and criminals to finger my bum, liaise with the King and do anything for money where they did not get to keep their hands to themselves, indicating the reasons that I faced daring widespread insults and greed that got involved with my personal space randomly on the streets was to facilitate building a community from which they could saddle me with abuses and gimmicks that left me struggling with Schizophrenia on account it would be easier to handle my income margins and run me down with it - so if it builds up to a result where I walk into one of those stupid meetups where they got to foster this nonsense nd did something to ensure they ended up in Hospital and the Government had to intervene, it would have been clear it was either they knew I am aware they were doing such things or simply were stupid enough to keep doing it regardless.


Prizes of insults and inhumane treatment, stemming for an original history of access to my assets to get rich, popular and to buy private security, followed by abuses once enough wealth is amassed to afford security, since turned to breathlessness causing blackmail due to a sense that there was a need for my possession to exist in a world where it was not respected and economic abuses which then gives rise to popular support at public politics which needs to be stripped, society abuses which needs to be countered and caught up with and the recovery of my world stolen from under my breath by pillaging my classical CV with available funds collected from incessant Celebrity culture access


Rather a simple matter of children raised to steal asset equity and property equity, making statements about the proportion of Law that is about property and talking so much nonsense in my direction about the nature of public security and a process of fighting my National level enemies. A society that has progressed onto the abuse of privacy for a profession, clinging to my career profile which I need to retrieve to control my Bookshop which does not belong to them obvious, building up to questions at Government about whether my actions were random. The process of performing a series of activities that added up to a sequence which suggested a threat to my safety or even my life, considering what I saw on the streets stemming from an abuse of my privacy and the responses I provided their stupidities for it, looking for more of what it is complaining about if the Politicians were barely free of the need to get people listening to their feelings on my account. These are the matters I need to mitigate on this subject and set out punishment for all who pushed me whilst I worked my own career.


It is the fourth time that journalists have organised their careers to trash mine for pleasure and the third time that narcissism Celebrities have hijacked my schedule – to control my Bookshop my profile as a writer will be handed back to me, the way they want to hand it over or the way I want to take it back; background is that there were hoodlums on the streets, people banging walls and doors, their fans, corrupt security twats and rogue landlords needed to order my steps and I needed to respond to all these things, whilst it seems that I am actually stronger than they are in terms of the stupid German influence gimmicks that had been developed for vandalism recently and it is telling me that when it does damage to the career, moving on and out of my affairs was not an option. Just narcissists with a long history of learning to get into clothes and keep up an appearance at other peoples expense, who have gained access to Media presence.


It is not to say that all which has unfolded here began in the form of long standing enmity, just an instance where the question eventually arose as to whether a Celebrity will be willing to give up the fame career in a life with an Arch Prince, due to a risk that he will have been said to have taken up a personal relationship that was a threat to society – after we had since arrived at the stage where if people suggested Celebrities were not really in the same league as a Royal Prince, there will be work for hired killers literally. However it continues to sell Royal work and access to my personal and social life which its own custom society idiots had afforded them in Hollywood USA, as part of their own fame and a gimmick where it pleased Americans for an easier existence, like we see them give their own to the frugal, supported by another group of idiots they describe as fans, stifles my personal relationship and finances to discover new facts with the help of the press as a matter of what the home wrecker characteristics were entitled to, issues threats at me too, nothing works around here for the sake of abusive ADHAD, OCD and the insults.

The explanation for their actions may even come as a claim that I thought successful people should be punished for being successful but it is never real success as such, started out as a sense that it was not their duty to make the country a safe place for industrial and career proficiency, now they believed they had pushed their governmental victims hard enough to get people into a certain position and had built narcissism that will ensure they possessed a reputation that protected their ill gotten gains from those who wanted some too. Always so abusive, so insolent, when it is not dead yet. Eventually they had friends in the security services that did not like so much, those got involved with security services to corrupt it and at the same time express how much of a difficulty the fact that Administrative leadership had more work to do was causing them - needless to say, I am ll together now in a position where I am inclined to invent an activity that will prevent them from being so popular all of the time and more so at my expense.

I mean we have listened to the stupidities for long enough - where I did not understand the context of the war, having my Bookshop stifled because a whore needed to communicate the idea that she saw my Books in a country where she was the most popular person, by the time we had arrived at a stage where it was clear the public with money and footfall were the deciding factors, I was left to the organised criminals and none gets to pay for what they used around here. What I need to accomplish is a process of preventing the continuation of my Books and its market being handled by famous gits as a tool for self-reinvention on the red carpets and beyond – I need to ensure I am able to by means of public statements, publicity and or time line which I can present in Court as evidence, being able to control their lives and career, in order to achieve this, as mentioned before, if I end up having to bully famous people too in a bid to keep the bookshop running, should I get a whiff of people being hired to attack me, I will make something entirely new of this problem (I finished the Book in 2009 and have been cash strapped for self-improvement practical jokes and insults, I am writing this in 2023). This is the only way to ensure that it stopped building publicity for my work unauthorised and stopped spending it on the public before I got the opportunity to make a living off it therefore, to make excuses suggesting I was responsible for such a result. 

Some people have raised the point that the work had already been done and more so for obvious reasons, I am aware it had already been done, I am being pursued by clients that wanted my intellectual property administration services and another group of market trouble makers who loved to pick up my career publicity as if they would love some bliss associated with having lost their businesses or careers when I wanted to fool around with them as well, but the part that Celebrity, war mongering Asian and Muslim gits and their desperate civil right idiots play in the matter is pure attrition and theft.

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