Now it is suggested that recent bad events in the USA have been made possible via my Books of which I suppose we are waiting for the list of what is causing it to get longer, as the need to avoid the truth continues – we know what is happening in the USA is the outcome of a battle to preserve the profitability benefits of taking advantage of people over the complexities of public service and in my case for instance, I am said to be completely incapable of convincing anything to believe in me but I do have a good theme tune from which others may build popularity careers and it had already taken form in all sorts of harmful activities, now settled up in to life changing abuses and property vandalism that is due to a lack of co-operation on my part, when they are not suggesting that people get stabbed and shot at on the streets on account the playgrounds were disused and Children were bored. This behaviour divorces these people from all manner of questions regarding ethics and their only involvement with it thereof is a process whereby they were drowning others in it, where it targets my Books, there is a good prospect that we are heading towards an outcome in which I had to assess how much of the stupid joys of naivety civil disobedience they have so far recovered and what I can do to damage it for them (again).

The more concerning part is their need to set trading agenda for my Bookshop, to make their own earnings which wrecks everything for me, and I think is about to end in painful ways. It all still comes down to not having the peace and quiet I have built to work with disturbed over peoples gimmicks on how I should be used especially when they felt that being a Celebrity meant being entitled to handle me as well – the respect issues that solves all problems around here as it were.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland