They do claim that this matter of how much people hated me still hang around me uncleared and yes it does because I have not cleared it. The issue is still as simple as a case where I allowed public matters run until these fools can tell which is their property and which is not at Industry and they are always guaranteed to take up both as their own and run off life changing insults that me that allows them target me with low lives loyal to their bank balance and ensure I spent all day clearing out consequences of their foolish Popularity instead of get on with the days affairs – it seems the more they can go home with their salaries is the worse they get and the biggest pressure point is the idea of what they were going to use me for which had not been accomplished while time is running out.

The Hermitage busines is fundamentally built on the premise of securing property equity from companies, after which I returned to them years later to publicly run a bookshop by broker of publicity that had developed from the fact that they had which will facilitate a process of showing what I had done with it in a certain period. It needs to stay away from my Books and keep its mouth shut, stop blowing it off especially around insults and stupidities concerning the way I interfere with their stupid lives when they get tangled up talking nonsense about how I get about the backyards of industry picking up areas where the relatives of those who own and control companies should be making money as well, like their brain regularly goes on holiday and especially when it had a media presence, the money it wants to make without a day’s work meant that it kept that big mouth open for it all day.

They do claim I have been taken advantage of by those who had become millionaires over time but there wasn’t a rule making them buy the stupidities that people who do those things put up; whereby popular culture emerges that allowed people make sense of crime and industry in their lives and it has been a 9 year period of hell because they deserved the money that came from it and had to take revenge for the criminals that were affected and yet people have not had more security as well, therefore it was completely justified. The other part is much the same – I build up wealth equity and their idiots in the fame industry suggest I had provided them license to get around deploying my person and public work for their own personal finances and financial wellbeing, now I have two choices, to either shut it down while I needed it to run the public work from this Office or to stop them from accessing it which meant a real question on the exact reasons they deserved to have a celebrity culture. Now we are talking about the way that people had deployed the money they spent on those products and how the idiots had decided they needed to set out their own products on my concerns and have the fame idiots buy as it as well, hence have had all their problems figured out assumingly with a big mouth – seemingly I am vulnerable in this because I have had to rebuild everything thing from scratch and appear to be immobilised as a result.

They claim it’s hard to make sense of the way that characters who hated people and set about stuffing others with what they were thinking, so if people passed insults at me, only a small percentage of it would be enough to provoke me and yet we show up at Government, It really does not work as per hating people and showing up at Government, it’s about the rhetoric’s they promote and develop, involvement of those rhetoric in my career and finances and the way that I take steps to ensure I didn’t have to sort it out all the time. It invents nonsense like the way the Law allows the weak to pick on the strong and get away with it, which it teaches its children too – so it claims that the weak pick on the strong and it shows up at the Law Court where people gathered to make decisions against the strong and of course it continues to regard me as one of the weak, when saying so had not yet led to an outcome where I did something and got away with it; the effect then being that they set about a culture and society practical jokes where they got to change norms in their favour all day and would not allow others a moments peace for it, hence if it does not end up thinking what I am thinking until some people lost their minds or lost their lives to organ diseases, there is no stopping this nonsense. I understand some will say it goes deeper than this and yes it does – I mean the culture and society gimmicks would involve a need to get imagination up my bum and prevent me from stepping out of my door to chase my daily business and yet it would say its culture and society looks like that until the day I want the control back or it sets about changing norms to favour its gimmicks trapping people to make sense of the idea its madness should be followed as though it was the law of the land and we know what happens is that it leads to trouble and then people find out what the real law is when the trouble gets to a Law Court. I do not worry about it so much because characters like the media fools who show up to wreck everything, I do to ensure I did not get to explore this nonsense have been complaining about the fall out of what is no longer being controlled by administrative authorities on a global stage which should have been the end of their part in this matter but was not. The big one being that the Labour Party that systematically trashed my finances and career to make statements about these gits being nice people who only just needed money, have been the only Political party to secure electoral successes over the last decade, hence it all speaks for itself; I mean at the time, I did nothing about these goons whatsoever, I only took steps to ensure each time it showed up too close to areas I had done the best work for my career or areas where my financial interests were located, I made sense of it on my Public image because if I did, the Celebrities could then take advantage of me – the silly party got about trashing it and took up 8 years of my time to do so, leaving me with a reputation for the phenomenal smell issue and now I may have spent 8 years on an assumption that ignoring these goons will get them to move on but now have to spend another 5 on more finance based nausea because they had developed a new more amusing practical joke that best fits their new found financial wellness and this is the new development that is about to secure them a response as well.

They do claim my finances are still a mess but they are not; there is no reason for the fact I am tired should be petrifying members of the public that are interested in my Bookshop and there is no reason for the fact that despite being tired, I step outside of my door and plod on to my daily concerns, becomes such a main concern of theirs that I smelled of what I ate and the smell was the part where the fucking idiots had provoked themselves as well and I were living on borrowed time with a big mouth – I mean I don’t remember any stage at which my parents were ever unemployed, so I do think when they think they their stupidities had made them mad enough, they may show up here and throw a punch at me. It is the same nonsense being done to the female community all the time. I mean the public is affected by the fact I am flustered because they will be reading my Books on a stage, out loud to a crowd, the last time we checked; it has always been this nonsense about the right to share my income and I am currently doing this routine of seeing how far a handful of idiots who can buy anything because they had money that could be spent to make trouble for others, would buy this nonsense before it became a problem, if I feel they had become a threat to me, we will end up with those scenarios where bigger than me, can talk over me and can beat me up led to outcomes where it wanted to get a real job and move on but it was no longer possible.

They do claim I meddle with matters that do not concern me and this was all about putting me in the right place but its utter nonsense; first of all putting me in the right place will never work if I had access to the practical jokes that facilitated the way my work ended up in their possession, no matter how famous they are and secondly there are no other people and no other profession with this filthy social life that causes smell issues, not the Government, not the Church, not City centre professionals – it’s always one incredibly stupid life changing decision of excess after another that eventually creates an outcome that is very different from that of what happens when others engaged with the Public and I am fed up with the business of my entire life stalling, so I might make sense of how badly it affects me because it touches me unexpectedly all the time. one silly life changing decision of excess that cannot actually be undone after another is how the fame idiots live their lives and then after spots my Books to decide who would be dealing with smell issues and because I don’t play that game at all, it hits me so hard every time – none knows why they always select people who don’t play the game with them at all by the way but I do know they first petrify the Public over my Books and then they set about drip drop daily comments of illegal involvement with it, talking nonsense about deciding my place. They do love to suggest my activities might have indicated that I am afraid of them and it’s a story on its own; the time spent on the idea that ignoring them will get them to move on was the reason for current problems because it showed there was nothing I could do, the effect is always seen on my bank balance.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland