I really hate it when they pick up some of what I have said and construed it into an opportunity to tell me I have found prove that I needed to avoid messing with them. It is unbearably annoying because these idiots are usually the only group of people to see a side of me that can make decisions that meant I was trying to protect my life by making sure another lost their own and their whole lives will be built on prospects of avoiding a real job to hang around somewhere being an oaf over bravery at my expense all day – it is unbearably annoying because anything I did with the Chinese are now being deemed by them and their German goons as that which needed to be shut down because it was an affront while it continues to size every opportunity it gets to tell me I have found prove I should not be messing with its stupidities – I mean we have just completed the business of finding out whether if I trashed their culture and society to hang around somewhere looking like I want to sell on the proceeds and buy weapons if I felt I was facing a threat on this matter and we have not even started talking about the money their businesses have lost handling me all the time either or indeed how they set about those stupid career crime nonsense that makes a complete mess of my health, then their Politicians set about trashing my finances and they set about running off publicity of abuses for their Celebrities to decide after years of doing so that they were brave, I am a coward and I was set to lose my income and career, public life and social life to their stupidities, just like they claim I was antagonising Germany the first time I responded to their stupidities wanting to move into my right hand to become the people of fate. They do claim this is all a product of Political authorities teaching me lessons but we know the first time this came up they wrecked my University studies in the process and that I have tried avoiding a process of clashing with their stupidities spending money on their people while they spent time to trash the parts that I had achieved by myself, like we were a country with a sense of direction that was located at the back of our heads – more so as the first time I did, I found myself in a position where each time my life was available to culture and society goons, I needed to ensure the same trouble makers learned how their Parliament jobs worked; the risks of which I then had to mitigate because of the prospects that one of such idiots will enlist in the Military to set about a process of an altercation with me that meant they were talking to Politicians about my attitude and soon we ended up with a country that was ruled by a Military junta. It feeds into the way this matter develops into those stupidities about what I should be doing to protect them while reality was their need to pick up service processes of my Bookshop and transform it into tools by which I could be manipulated into picking a fight with people in order to make them feel as if they had money that I wanted a share of – the problem being that the service processes of a Bookshop is my livelihood and this behaviour is adding up to effects whereby their processes of going home with salaries without any trouble is becoming provocative in its own right, finding stupid evidences that I should not be messing with them, we lived in the same house sizes in the neighbourhoods and felt like your existence was annoying enough to set you out as bullying target in government buildings, talking nonsense all the time to get me feeling as if I wanted to launch an attack on those neighbourhoods to ensure my Bookshop was free of their stupidities, knowing it will get them blabbing those madness about not being able to understand how sociopaths always have a tidy personal life and lived in pristine neighbourhoods. They speak of people getting the better of me naturally while what happens is the way they get out of those neighbourhoods of theirs to pick up what had become of mentally ill gits being groomed to pay attention to me and my concerns all day, where the insults of the Politicians was probably good but that of their children have not been explained – they use it to pass insults all the time about the way I needed to shut up until the tummy churning effects of their stupidities had become a public phenomenon that gets their media gits and celebrities threatening me with a big mouth and I had recorded it on my websites so they could never be free of it, garnished with some swear words – they claim they do this on account that they are characters that normally tackle the bullies that hate me because I had dragged bullies into the same position they put me and the processes of getting paid for being popular had therefore stagnated as a result of it, that they were superior to me, chasing my public image on claims they were the ones that had a history of tackling the bullies violently which is what people really wanted – this is the full story of that gimmick that I people get the better of me all day and I did nothing about it trashing 3 years’ worth of Bookshop time and giving them an opportunity to tackle me over claims that they achieved more than I had, hence I had recently started paying attention to the way those abuses and insults added up to a process of people holding their own as city boys, thoroughly modern and able to speak properly etc, chase my social life and public image to improve prospects of getting paid for being popular especially when their parents had a part in government and it is developing into that which is set to become my main preoccupation as well, in order for me to look like I was prepared for a fight with them for a change as it were. The women never stop making those statements that I am incapable of protecting anybody including myself and we know that it is what they work on all the time; the 15 year period of my time with five dedicated to career crime stupidities at my expense that they claim is what their civil rights looked like and they had to ensure I got into a fight to be beaten up and when I wasn’t, I would have been bruised which would have thought me not to mess with their stupid needs if they demanded it of me – another five dedicated to those processes they spend money on their local goons on business gimmicks while spending more tax payer funds to wreck the bits I had built by myself and relying on me to do nothing about it – the third spent on finding a way around the realisation that the success built from the money they spent on their selves with this nonsense of other things I can do with a mind that helps me sort it out without government help, meaning that its proceeds was not the only thing I will extract from their lives and beat down properly, in order to progress that nonsense about showing how much of a flustered coward I am now that academic pursuits and career and finances had been completely wrecked for every fool to play with. Either way, we know that they are a completely differently lifestyle choice – when I am caught up somewhere with women who think I am a good fit but I either do not have the strength or the ability to make sense of their sexual needs, while they ran off that nonsense that I am incapable of showing that the possibility of me getting into a fight for them exists, of which it’s not clear what sort of stupid relationship it is where people expect me to show I might want to get into a fight with others on their behalf but we know is an example of the way they think their social position is a very important one and can be tested on grounds of whether they worked in the Military and public security was their job all together, we know I have had a small history of testing this with disastrous results for them all together i.e. the part about the abusive media waves, especially the music radio and the women at the Monarchy who are lower class fans and their insanity on the streets and the cities making a mess of people’s lives with a sense of entitlement – so what they are usually good at is fighting people from their own social station whom they claim make a mess of their careers and I am stuck with it because they have always wanted to show I am a coward. So we have found out the way that these gimmicks fit into the business of successful and important Citizens meeting the Queen regularly and they have seen my position play out as one concerning Legal tender liability footprints – whereby I am asked sometimes what I mean but it’s an old tale of the fact people trade with our concerns all over the world using bonds and equities and other financial tools but the Legal tender does most of the heavy lifting – whilst it is impossible to demarcate which ones are communists, we take a certain position on the Russians because they were responsible for poisoning people with radioactive substances in UK Cities, we use the liability of legal tender to make sense of productivity and where we travel to make Holiday arrangements and many other processes by which we made the best of it and so look at it from the point that our currency is probably making trouble for people somewhere and if they can prove that we will pay for the costs, otherwise what we did was none of their business. They keep making those stupid statements that what they did to me and my concerns was a product of a sense I am a coward and it’s not the first time they have trashed everything here to create more risks for people who worked in professional services by making sure society and culture gits had access to me, my personal and social life and it is moving towards outcome where I dragged them into the same position to find out whether they would commit to the fighting if I did.

They claim I talk like so but I am largely responsible for their behaviour but I don’t see such facts being linked to reality either way – what really happens is that it was possible to keep secret the fact that washing machine company brokered equities with me for instance but it isn’t because they are always checking me up to make a mess of career and social life, telling those lies to continue all the time – so I had to make it public because of the civil rights movement onslaught and the result is that it has become quite clear that they cannot be trusted whenever products showed up at the Market place. It is the same as their women ripping up my University studies because I picked up these matters of rights and civil rights at big business during University studies, claiming that I was at war while I was pushing my own boundaries and it never read anything I have written each time it shows up to trash my career on the same pretext, developing into a case where retribution is becoming an option as well. Then we find them claim that they cannot remember when business cared about rights and civil rights while we know if a person earns a million pounds he must have had time during an 8 hour day to make plans that involved building up criminal interests on media, which can be run off on others for gimmicks that helped them make money they cannot account for every day. They do also say that what they have done is largely my fault as well and yes it is; the corrupt CEOs would never stop claiming that service of the Crown generally allowed me an existence where I had no respect for their money and therefore no respect for hoodlums that they formed relationships with on account a company can easily be the only landmark in an area. So they had to stop it by finding out the way I could make it easy for myself with respect to the gits that chose poverty and spend time tackling young people to make money, buying shares in those companies to conduct tribalism raids and take their jobs after a life time of hate campaign associated with every occasion that they paid for a product from the company targeting people who had service relationships and arrangements with it – what I get as such is that they stopped bothering, while these idiots got off my Royal Hermitage to put their backs into a form of real employment.+

They do claim I am on a downward spiral and there is new information showing up every day about it, which is utter nonsense; what really happens is that they make their personal decisions and run it off until they had to face violent situations and then they made sense of anything I owned which they envied leaving me to pick up the bits because they used it to intensively corrupt my social life and public image. I have to wake up every day and deal with nauseating financial complication associated with some famous idiots who want to express something of the way my existence is intolerable and how they hated me through it, which is now developing into a case of me finding methods of showing how a Hermit could hate them as well – I mean it’s not a real hate as such as we are not permitted to hang about at a Hermitage practicing hate but it’s more a matter of withdrawing access to my concerns in a way that churns their tummy as well. the Muslims gits in suits always love those stories of the way that everything I did about it made them better off because it is not yet a matter of prime importance, those stupid damp, dank, dark communities that their women occupy where the general lack of respect they had for the bodies of Christians could be taken to any level they wanted, never mind the fact I dropped out of University because the two Legal studies lecturers are had were Muslim with ideas on how Americans did thing better, abusively targeting me every day and the other being a labour party git with ideas on how to make the best of the way they chose poverty to spend time targeting younger people in order to make the country which exists in their heads materialise in the real world, looking like they want me to resolve this past – I do like to put it the other way i.e. they are not real Muslims, just Office space, Office bloc, Office window criminals and we know that criticising Muslims does not necessarily add up to a derogatory behaviour towards their religion save white boy who fights my battles and gets Fashion idiots passing insults at me about how I was a stupid ingrate while they were the ones trashing social life because they never planned for pregnancy cutting corners whenever given jobs and contracts and insulting people to get rich all the days of their stupid lives of which we can see they have set a stage and the next time I have to deal with this nonsense whereby it’s not their own battles that are being fought for them too by the way, they will do the dance on it on my account as well. It’s an old story of hanging around somewhere showing mercy until it becomes a habit while they did as they pleased at your expense; the reasons their wickedness most makes sense whenever they make personal decisions to a point of facing violence with gangs and racists, then ensure that I am left picking up the pieces – we all know if I bothered the blacks with it and the way it links up to racism and gangs somebody will get killed etc but a simple process of not making stupid comments about my literary work when they think they are great leaders while they were leaders of nothing, talking nonsense about civil rights on the media all day, is too difficult for them and Trump was racist. We are now heading towards an ending in which I was going to make my position clear on how they needed to waste their gimmicks on the daddies that facilitated their stupidities and those of them who had access to a USB drive I lost are looking for such eventuality as there will be a link between my Office and their Homes over it, when clear of which the next time I see them on my Public image or getting imagination around my private parts, there will be trouble. I mean we have been there and done that on what they usually did with authority through culture, media and sport if they got close enough to ensure there was a demonstration for the Heir to the Throne to see: now it’s just their stupid Politicians picking up processes where they set me out as an outlaw who hangs about saying the Law is not enough but the part where those who wanted to make their position violent would have to prove themselves was the bit I did not have the time for, while their stupidities were people who said the law was not enough while deciding what happened with me at the Monarchy. So they do claim I set myself out as victim while I have done no such thing; I am well aware this nonsense intensifies because I have completely trashed their popular culture and I did because it was the best way to make them feel like it feels when I am writing a Book and the way that my daily routine mixed up to leave out the part where I have not completed my University studies was a threat to my health and wellbeing on account of those stupid societies and communities they have, when they were responsible for following me around to make a mess and create the problem in the first place. They leave me so few choices when it comes to shutting down aspects of my living and concerns that they normally go to make sense of occasions where they fool around with criminals until it got dangerous for them, looking like I am the point at which people sow weed in season and take home the bounty during harvest, as stupidly as possible and it comes down to whether or not my body was strong and they didn’t feel as if they needed to toughen it up by filling it in with problems or no matter what insults are channelled at me, there will continue to exist areas of social and public life they can occupy and that as long as such things existed they could never stop doing it, where it now makes sense to say that enough had not yet died over it as well. I have been told my emotions are everywhere for people to play with but they are not, it’s the bubble of insults these gits build up on Media and the fact I need to run them down and drag them to a point where it is completely harmless and then I can allow it buzz away at the background of my life as usual – the rest of it is a matter of not talking often about the way I have set out to make a show of this matter in order to display for the Prince of Wales what happens when Celebrities get close enough. The fact on the ground is that the Royal Family usually think that when they get involved or get married into the family they want to be a Family, the reality is that they have their own social status and expect an equal share of power – like in my case where it is the wealth equity aspects of the Hermitage which they have decided is now their property and that of the big market they want to access in the USA, upon seeing that if I told people I was building the Bookshop around other matters at the Hermitage I would be looking at a Hell and High water situation and this was the only one they were willing to pay in order to be a part of and the same way I wake up to nauseating financial complications because of the body preserving practical jokes Celebrities want to engage in for the purpose of handling it, is the same way I am set to develop a process of putting famous people into a position of intense suffering every day for my part as well. There are the other gits with stock market stupidities where they claim they needed to handle it in order to hang around watching stock market numbers instead of get a real job – the point is that considering this behaviour is like throwing out rubbish which either through the winds or the rain water or the bin man always ends up in another person’s backyard unless they had a recycling plant in their own, they believe there is nothing I can do if their rubbish ends up in mine and I think it’s challenge accepted, while the advice is still that their American led stupidities really needed to get a real job. The Prince of Wales was taken by the nice people bits, so I had to show that nice people are those parts where the Queens charities and that of other Royals giving rise to people to show up to run free around Buckingham Palace during the jubilee – these are far from it; I mean normal people would think it was not a joke if I pointed out I had seen them too often for their own good after the history of dropping out of University because of culture media and sport even though I had business with Government the entire time. so I am said to work hard at sabotaging all that people who fight my corner got up to but I don’t; firstly they were fighting for Crown interests and this made up 60% of their activities, the remaining 40% being a matter of the fact they are very good at what they do and I would like to ensure so much is not given in the wrong places like before on this culture and society gimmicks instead of the Legal tender liability footprints that I would most like to employ their abilities on – the culture and society gimmicks were such that I had already ensured a Court of female journalists got ahead of them and they could never catch on, so this meant that getting into a relationship with them was a threat to the Public, especially those who worked in the City and it was meant to have a certain influence on my sex life.

They do claim I argue that I am mentally stable which tended to show that I am not and its utter nonsense – what is happening here is a process where we all got to spend years of our time making sense of the reasons people want it rough when they have sex, the way it has been inflicted on me because my Christian believes are being taken advantage of to a state where people now needed to understand that I am the stronger half on the two sides. The reason it is so amusing is that they invent this situation for themselves and it leads back to processes of how to secure persons through whom they made the best of their terrible personal decisions in the worst and abusive manner imaginable and we have so ended up with those conditions whereby they continued to suggest how I ought to exist in order to make them comfortable – the threats are things they cannot back up and is meant to be amusing to the point where it is not any more especially with respect to when their mobility has been affected bearing in mind the idiots make out that the way I respond to this nonsense is exhilarating therefore afflicting me with it became amusing – they spend so much of their time on it and it helps us make sense of their social situation but we don’t have orientation at the Monarchy to spend time making sense of how their social position was lower than the one we had but so are we aware that each time they are stuck between shop managers and customers, the phenomenal bottom hurting issues, the situation becomes volatile, like the stupid socialites we expect them to be. The whole thing does grow to this extent where it is possible for a handful of society gits to set about the business of gathering some girls who knew about a history of mine that can be used to control me and so the fact that I must see that condition as something that will have a fire through straws effect on areas of my career where I have done my best work, means that paranoia comes with the territory but it does not imply that I am generally mentally unstable but I do have regrets for the way this nonsense makes me spend too much of my time on my temper. In the end they are the mentally disturbed people and the other group of gits that have run off gimmicks on my public image to allow them access to my concerns for safety that came with risks associated with personal decisions they made to seek money for personal comforts have created me a dangerous situation obviously and like to express the short insulting videos on media that they claim added to advertisement was their idea of how to tidy up this mess. The rest of it will be the black people who lead from the front when it comes to leaders of nothing talking rubbish at me because they believed their communities running me down, meant what their stupidities got up to was what the law of the land was – then again we know racism is usually a white man’s problem until when it becomes their problem which usually happened because they had made so much trouble that the white man could no longer assist them as such, while the racists must have helped them build some stupid large ethnic minority family that is being led from media where their stupidities called the shots getting entitled to my social life and public image, talking rubbish at me all day. This story comes through more often than it needs to each time; that I am mentally unhealthy and I argue the point because I really am, I am just tired of it and the way it produces those eventualities where they say they will set about cutting me off from certain markets in order to own exclusive rights to it, which meant that I must have shared my Hermitage literary empire with their stupidities and will be off to find out if those gimmicks about where I would say what I said because they were a threat was something they hopefully could back up as such.

They do speak of the fact that it will earn me more trouble but it will not – we know the reasons that the daddies and minions who get imagination around my private parts and make profitable insults that are passed around on how the personality and social life of a hermit can be used to make people feel comfortable when making money, having lost the money they have lost on my account, not changing their behaviour thereof, is entirely due to their narcissism. We know their children exhibit the same things and like to think they used to be afraid of me but are not anymore, will puff and puff and puff and soon find an excuse to execute justice on somebody that is not its bloody mate in a while but I have waited enough for it, since they enjoyed making a mess of my career, I now need to move on and mitigate the consequences of their perverted interest in me that has come about from the process of trashing that stupid popular culture in order to decide how they spent their lives on this planet when their parents teach them to get imagination up my private parts because their stupidities were important people, then having around somewhere at Government buildings, ripping up my career to claim I pay lesser price for the activities of gangs and criminals than their madness does and which entitles them to my earnings. There is nothing whatsoever to do about it as such; it’s the same process where it rips up my university studies with its insults and abuses over money issues and then when it got the opportunity, it became so frustrated and unable to make it work that its stupidities needed my personality as a dumping ground for the consequences of its personal decisions and impudently set about grooming me into such a character – when the Hermit listens to people, they get involved and he listens to a stage where a handful of entitled civil rights twats want to make money from talking to him as if he is a servant that their stupidities had fully paid for etc. They do claim that I fail to address the fact I live in shame which is utter rubbish; what happens is that I run my finances in order to provide for a Hermitage, the reasons I have ended up on Universal credit is the way their stupidities show up where I have done the best work, they have recently trashed 3 years’ worth of Bookshop time, talking nonsense about the world of men being more productive because there are no consequences for abusive insults that come from them while my entire life has stalled for it – goes without saying that I see them here too often for their own good and am tempted to put myself in a position that allowed me decide how they spent their time on earth as such, the process of trashing the popular culture they say makes them more dangerous which is rather stupid, I thought it suggested I wanted to hang over them and supervise them in the most abusive way imaginable while they worked for money. It is what usually becomes of a process where they get off a life in which their parents teach them to talk of people grabbing their careers to a point where they were able to do something about anybody and everybody who looked the part, blabbing about bullying me to move into my right hand and cut me off from my own existence which was more about making sure ageist gits did not get me grovelling for money, trashing everything around here and making a big case of the fact there has been no retribution yet, talking nonsense about its position as leader of nothing on account it has a civil rights gimmick to pleasure itself with.

So they claim Royalty would be rich and did not have to worry about these matters which is utter nonsense as we can see their interest in me is that insulting process where I must not be allowed to make sense of how much my work and my property equities which they had bullied me into putting up on a website was really worth. Same as the tales of cowardice hanging over me at all times, while I am not expected to be stupid enough to get into a fight and more so in a way which disturbed Government operatives and successful citizens, giving way to a sense that if I have no enemies, I am the means by which these fools planned to get rid of their history as a handful of losers. They do claim there is little I can do now which is utter rubbish – I now have the business of mitigating the criminal processes of handling my Books which they expect me to do nothing about, the same way they claim their abusive behaviour is due to the idea I am a dunce, while I am certain in terms of legal studies, being able to develop on a street level, property equity that can be deployed my firms for intellectual property administration on a global level and used to avoid time wasting legal processes of protecting property from competitors, would have been said to be more important than a process of avoiding chores at home in order to pour over Books others had written and pass example in school, then show up on media with abuses if you are cracked on everything you tried to do, passing insults at those whose academic work your gimmicks had made a mess of with culture, media and sport, blabbing about being out of the league of the victims. It grows into a process where I need pay attention to this business of their abusiveness and the women playing the rich get richer and poor get poorer games to such an extent they got off to fight my corner at the monarchy so they might show up around my career and get imagination over my private and body parts, as an inescapable process required for living with them and it is beginning to look like something I need devise a response for as well, claiming they have been able to teach me lessons and that I make their lives difficult while I am the one unable to complete my academic work because of their perverted interest in me and every process of carrying on with the career while the incomplete academic work is an issue on my mind had become the means by which they communities ran me down all day, hence it had come to public prominence and the years go by without a prospect of tidying my social life up well enough to get it finished, looking for more of what their stupidities were complaining of. They do say I am an example of the fact it does not pay for people to bottle up their feelings but I am bottling up nothing – I know when I am bottling my feelings and I am not bottling anything; what really happens is the way that my Bookshop has been so badly corrupted, the problem the law faces all the time i.e. solve a problem and what you end up with is just the reputation for solving that problem because these idiots would dream of having you in their employment and set about an assumption there should be no consequences for the destructive processes of getting there on the social life and career, so what I do is solve it and ensure I got them complaining over it, then place it and the history behind it in a Public place – they will claim it wrecks their careers and prospects of being famous but it also gives me the balance that I can work with if ever I had to face that problem again. They always say I am a light weight naturally but it’s that which we will make sense of once companies had begun to develop and invest equities that have been created in such ways, find out we will, how much abuses from their Celebrities will catch up with it.

They do eventually make claims that we British are working hard on dominating the world on behalf of the USA which of course is utter nonsense especially when explained in terms of either the way that environment protection for the democrats usually meant dismantling everything at Industry which prevented them from vandalising it to find more business lands and then setting up draconian stupidities at International communities which Trump refused to be a part of and then some characters got off expressing how they felt by travelling off to Africa to buy Lions they can shoot. Then again there are other facts which make more sense to people who can talk like normal people i.e. that we provide for those who trade in anything British and that means making sure we had the range to provide follow on service at Government level at any part of the world that they were going or trading from, such that American trade ties with the US having grown stronger over the last 3 years, these goons have explained the situation as one in which we work hard dominating the world for the USA. I personally do not think that it is a crisis, it’s the same story where I wake up to nauseating financial complications every day because they were fooling around with my Bookshop to make their lives better for the silly personal choices they make and when I tell them to get off it, they would tell me I am like their little brother and it will be time to remind them of how they ran out of range on this ally bashing matter in China and I was never linked to the process as well – they do not scare me in anyway, I am good at watching my back if they always tend to work with the same three processes of stealing money, chewing snacks and sleeping with Girls to destroy everything they got their hands on and ensure it was impossible for any person to mitigate anything or intervene in any situation like Satan’s spawn. So far we know they hate my Books because it expresses experience on not being victim of ageist goons that want me to grovel for money but even the Books have become the means by which they work this nonsense on me and hang about issuing the stupid threats all the time. The reality on the ground is the damage these democrats that wreck everything they come in contact with due to the British Economy which has to at the very least be rebuilt from the ground up – British Professionals love to travel to Brazil for instance, they have people they meet there and services they get for tourism and leisure and they spend money there because those people help them to be healthier and more productive people back in London, this is then linked up with the service and leisure industry where beauty and leisure services are usually at their best when they had their usual footing in Asia and Japan, while in South America the Government had given British Companies large development contracts – the damage done by these goons and the way they blame it on Trump because they think it’s a big joke that they can take to any extent that they wish, shows that they believe that nobody will likely fight for it as such and are now saying that my failure to comply with their needs meant they would take their footing in Africa and make it into something that adds up to a problem i.e. what I mean when I say it had always predictably been about stealing money, chewing snacks and sleeping with girls and they might want to stop issuing threats at me as well.

In the end I am told that the main issue is how easy it is for these problems to target me and develop to any extent that those who work it want but it does not develop anywhere save for those who make use of me instead of read what I have written. What happens is that they are a handful of silly people who have no idea what they are talking about but decided to build a crowd and put themselves in charge, such that every time it sacks my health and incapacitates areas of my career due to the perverted nature of its interest in me and the fact it cannot deal with rejection hence is always claiming I am the one who has the problem which causes me to lose my temper often, it is usually due to the fact it had failed to follow a leadership I had already provided, a service I had already catered for. I do not think it a crisis at all, we are aware it begins with a sense that others had set out a business without paying for the little things they handled and used to get themselves to position of notoriety – I cleared out the one that affects this Hermitage due to the fact I am in some way tied to the British Royal family, which mitigated that risk before 2012, that it has been rebuilt and displayed on National and International Media like a phenomenon is an indication that they spend their time on nothing else but myself, just like they target me all the time when women say that they ran their business as though they had a point at which they carried through National service recorded on their CV, to build stupid men’s world that appeals to my heart and mind over their money problems with a sense of violence and authority all the time; so the outcome is that I have reached this stage where I fundamentally need to keep my wellbeing by making sure each time they complain about me, it felt as though the reasons produced an effect such that it was as if they had dropped out of University, the way I did when their interest in me first began to produce results and each time they do complain thereof, its music to my ears.

So they say I have now been badly beaten down by Americans and its utter nonsense since what really happens is that they want to be famous but stupid people who spend all their time expressing something of how much they hated and needed to harm me. The behaviour has now earned a response such as I have set out a process of withdrawing access to my concerns in a way that churns their tummy and to make sense of the way they blow kisses at criminals to get hoodlums abusing me in the neighbourhoods, it seems that I will follow it up with publicity and then spend time making sure everything they came up with is spent already, especially if I had ended up with a need to ensure they expressed how much they hated British again. I don’t think it’s a matter that ought to cause anxiety as such, it’s a handful of idiots with ideas on how handling property that belonged to British nobility should make them rich in big American market because they think that being self-employed does not really mean getting a real job and that they didn’t have to worry about getting a real job either. The general outcome is usually a case where they complain the British are stiff, cannot have fun and cannot laugh and use it as instrument of repression, while nonsense like these are the reasons we think they play too much and can have all the play in the world, just before it gets serious enough for there to be a phenomenal complain because everything they handled got broken. It’s usually a matter of these goons doing what they do to get me running off the publicity for the way I have withdrawn access to my concerns to churn their tummy and ensured that everything they worked for was taken away from them, so they got to make a case of the British being obsessed with the filthy tummy issues while in reality they play too much as usual – the ones that make physical contact with me are the ones building up processes where I shut down the Popular culture to ensure the business of not making physical contact with them ensured I could not be blamed for any loss of energy and physical wellbeing by which they would have preferred to get a job than to do crime and the gits who keep their profitable insulting going because although they are younger than I am, they arrived in this Country first, are simply looking for somebody that will either ensure they got a job while he supervised them work or he got to determine how they spent their days on earth, hence reasons I always make sense of it and every process of peddling my concerns for money or thinking that self-employment does not involve a process of getting a real job by shutting down the stupid popular culture.

They do claim all I have done with myself had gone to waste which is utter nonsense, this is where its power lies; to tell you that all you had done in a failure to cooperate with its sense of entitlement will ensure that you never got to be successful at the Market place, jobwise or businesswise with a big mouth, so they are becoming my main preoccupation around here for it as well and I am never going to trash everything that keeps it going naturally. What we have seen is the usual process where if it is a stupid decision they were certain to make it and they were also certain to ensure their careers and finances were saved from it while other peoples’ burned over it as well, hence the link between the attitude associated with my diet and the way my behaviour had made their stupidities uncomfortable. I have been told my attitude is the main issue here and yes it is; when I showed up at the Monarchy I observed the way that people clamour around what they think people who showed up there for the first time are good at and mine was very big because the Queen wanted it – I will never stop making the Politicians that are responsible for this nonsense regret the decisions they believe they will stop making at my expense when it is most convenient for them to do so. What it has achieved is a process of allowing me set out these characters that decide my inability to co-operate with their sense of entitlement will ensure I am not successful at market or job a problem I can solve comprehensively and I have been paying attention to it for 6 weeks and counting, after 18 years of property, social life and career vandalism, whilst they have not done well enough to compete we know the insults continue and they say that I had no property they could damage while we know a comment made to make a mess of a Bookshop that lasted about 3 weeks and the same comment being made back to back over a period of five days is a process of guaranteeing the person financial complications for 15 weeks and when they had started boasting about being able to control my bank balance, I guess they still have an excuse at that stage. They do claim I have now confessed that I only have the Books I have written but we know that none would be insane enough to write Books about property he does not own which people will pay for and keep a copy forever thereof – so like we see a need to ensure when the younger ones worked for anything they lost it and I built publicity for the way I withdrew access to their concerns in a manner which churned their tummy, the older ones are a matter of when this is linked up to the work environment and the social life and personal life that is not affected while handling me abusively tended to allow them access to more in order to make sense of this. Those who say I cannot do it would naturally risk such outcomes as a process where I ignored the vandalism done here as a whole and set about putting most of my efforts into the stage at which they had decided all ways of wrecking my career had failed and therefore resorted to physical damage of property i.e. the year 2012 and began to sort something out from there in order to find out if I wouldn’t build up enough confidence for people to simply show up here and read what I have written, considering they had no wish to stop it of their own accord. The other story that I am coping out of Political matters does not add up either – we know people are usually better people when they had freedom in Northern Ireland and Scotland and England and Wales and everywhere else, not when their overseas friends and international development activities were a threat to me and we know that freedom is usually incredibly diverse but we had a general sense of what it was.

So it is said that I love to bother MPs while a handful of local low lives got the better of me and it’s a story I never tell properly but the properly truth of it is that I am not a Celebrity and therefore do not spend my time worrying about the destructive nature of idiots who spend time getting imagination around my private parts, I am targeted by it because those who love insults that I am a celebrity to make me vulnerable to it if they wanted to pinch my income margins have regretted ever doing such a thing but obtain huge government support from Politicians – likewise in terms of when they did it by getting imagination around my private parts which is what businesses are worried about; it goes without saying that when the fools who believe government buildings offer them covering for any wickedness they wish to practice, continue pushing this matter of which they were currently suffering for making a mess of three years’ worth of my Bookshop time over it, adding to the way they showed up at University to follow me around and pillage my academic work because their silly children from abusive neighbourhoods where they were always entitled to people’s lives and property wanted to make the best of the nepotism involved in doing so, they are bound to end up with the kind of violence that will be most beneficial to me as well. The whole sordid business always follows the same pattern; the career crime stupidities that they claim added up to civil rights and once they think my health had been sufficiently destroyed to ensure I couldn’t stand up to them, the measure of what I cannot do because I am unable to enlist in National service ensues and from then on it’s a matter of becoming a toy but here what they have realised, hence the reasons their abusive are seeking privileges of injustice overseas as well, is that we will likely get into a fight on my way to picking it up again and then again if I picked it up and found that I was ready and up to it.

We have seen this nonsense play out at National security; with respect to female community matters they have gotten involved with National services and the Military to do the kind of work which ensured a handful of idiots made a complete mess of my social life and career, only to hang around somewhere trashing what it left of it because they spent so much time doing so that they did not make plans for the difficulties associated with raising children, which is a National level obligation. They have done the kind of National service that facilitates a process where the lateness of Celebrities to venues they are invited to attend is more profitable than ever through a business of making industrial espionage a replacement for processes of getting a real job, even when they had realised that it will put the victims in a position where claims that such persons were in possession of secrets that are used to make wealth would have ensured that their person and property, social life and even social media or livelihoods were all handled in a way which played into those problems they claimed they had because the Russians were beating them at Cyber war and everything I had done to ensure people couldn’t fool around my websites and social media have now gone to waste with their stupidities especially in the US talking nonsense about privileged up bringing and processes of fighting enemies to get rid of their image as a handful of losers. Then there is my party piece where people from the Military with specific persuasions were allied to me and what Top bras does with where they go on Holidays and manage their careers had been sacked by Liberal scum making money in Africa, the Middle East and South America and there is a tendency that some have been killed or retired, while currently serving operatives have this vibe that I had one jobs which meant I had to push myself very hard every day with their stupidities making the most of practical jokes that involved my private parts, blowing off the big mouth at me – has taken part in the business of supporting service operatives to allow them develop their expertise which cannot be if they gave their lives during operations and the secret services are now set out to support aspects of celebrity culture that are applicable to the children and relatives of organised crime idiots who cannot do their trading without abusing me, which tended to stop only when they are complaining and there was a counter case that I spent my time trying to rub shoulders with famous people and didn’t notice the criminals were financially better people than I am in the USA. to claim their actions added up to democracy. There is no part of the National service their stupidities have gotten involved which had been done properly, not even security processes for professional service workers or the education system where what we find is that those who do the business of education are now taking it upon themselves to wade National enemy and of course the Canadians are not doing so well anymore in their view since it came to light on the international stage that they were the most influential country when it came to the business of tackling school ground gangs and cults, only the part where they killed some enemies overseas and had a counter statement to make in terms of what the police said to them if the Police wanted to be powerful on the Streets and of course fostering the stupidities that their Politicians want to exhibit at Government buildings in all its extreme forms of Godlessness. Insecurity therefore exists when I speak of it and we know these fools never let me any occasion in which Russians are not seen tackling British National and Public interests, such that the risk of Russian operatives harming the British is a matter of general operational information that they have gathered and the complications of making trouble for others is such that we must find a way to collect operational information from Russians as well, to ensure there are not external factors to play when there are difficulties and people had been assigned to missions – we see the same gimmick when they claim I am tired and flustered while what happens is that I collect that stupid culture and society and run off a certain process everyday which ensures that they got to think either of tackling or tackling public security operatives but tackling public security operatives meant I got away with it all, which I run all day, round and round and at the end of 20 years a younger person would have passed exams and gotten a good job thereof, blabbing that when the security services get involved as well, I was tired and flustered which is quite stupid. In the end the big problem is that following me around to make this mess had jeopardised my University studies and they will never stop taking a break from their sense of entitlement, especially the Oaf black people and ethnic minorities to express what they can do because I am a coward or how they hated me, just as we know the option of not handling me has always been available to their stupidities, preferable to a process of giving me ideas on their insults making sense of the way they lived in their evil neighbourhoods where all the houses were the same, looking for trappings of power at other people’s expense making a mess of my money and blowing off their big impudent nepotism stupidities all over the place for it as well, the fighting their Politicians and foolish Daddy characters who set them out to draw up a link between market success and getting imagination around peoples private parts cannot seem to stop blabbing about – the excuse being that this is all a consequence of the fact they were close to getting rid of the Monarchy before I got off trashing it for them when we know that according to evidence, if there were no Monarchy, we would have translated all these nonsense into their sense of superiority that developed into a war without end.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland