I have been told that I had a great problem and people would love to resolve the applicable issues, but I do not; the one problem we have here is that Celebrities and their Popularity idiots had no respect for the way other people live. The way they lived involved trashing the careers and finances of those who have ended up with a career that had served a cause which made them comfortable, in this way they can push the victims into criminal activity from a distance which absolves them of culpability, so they might deploy the social lives of such persons to facilitate what they thought their fashion and public appearances should be.

The problem is that they superimpose this nonsense on me until I dropped out of University which got support from their Politicians that clearly loved the way they had made the academic environment in the Country very toxic and are now following it on with a popularity publicity that suggests all I did since then was their creation and therefore belonged to them, so even after all I have said, we will still find them claim that the implication of what I have written here for instance, was that I had agreed to serve them as a salesman. Its an old story where top ten politicians met and we heard the security service sirens, top ten people from the Church met and we did not know that they did, when top ten celebrities do, our bank balances are affected otherwise we would have been divorced from reality. This is the problem, and they need make their comments that they cannot live without on their own famous social lives, or I will decide how it ends, since the same courtesy people pay them with respect to their show business products and their media gimmicks cannot be reciprocated where they had involved themselves to such an extent.

The part where those who have ended up getting involved with them since the time I dropped out of University to this moment being barred socially from buying my Books such as their jobs are affected if they did, is just looking for extra trouble. It started out with a process of following and unfollowing my social media until what I did served their cause, then it progressed to making sure I spent money on what I was doing before the successes were allowed, after that everything went dead and I brought it back to life and they built me a reputation that suggested I am the type that picks myself up again, when they had not been hospitalised, from here on everybody that got involved with it got attacked - so it is the last straw and I am certain the idiots know what the phrase last straw means. It runs off these gimmicks all the time, tells the lies and performs the abusive activities to build a crowd that will support its gimmicks, so that it might get what it wants off other people when it wants to but none of these had a thing to do with solving the wealth and social inequality problem that its stupidities have been keeping people sleepless for. In my case they say my bottom hurts because their stupidities were fucking me for being selfish and I believe that since human beings were this stupid, it was a secret that we kept as making a declaration will be the beginning of the end for those stupid popularity practical jokes as well.

My career does not face half the risk that it is suggested, just a degree of incredible and abusive disrespect, where people can say that my career required media appearances which I did not make often use of, so they decided if they could only prove they had stolen it – having since dug deep, to show up here and organise its stupid media appearances such that it was to take revenge for all the wealthy people I had offended whilst the famous idiots who made the most of their need to wreck Communities, claim people like to be cuddled and patch the mess they have made of people being able to live in a neighbourhood with a business of always being seen having some unwritten rule going for them, that they had to interfere with peoples concerns, gang up on others and get younger people to do violent things, the famous idiots who made the most of it, such that whenever they picked up my assets to make money disobediently, a criminal shows up to finger my bum, so everything here stops including my personal life, supporting with more facts thereof that I am being cuddled, particularly in terms of my private life having stopped. Then there is the other part of the story which involved their popularity idiots using their need to make people feel unsettled as a tool to get violent fantasies to affect me right down to the insides of my body, of which it is now impossible to make sense of 5 years having elapsed over their need to say their stupidities were incredibly important, they saw me do private security industry work and they were so important I had to serve them with it, I mean it is not even a sort of practical joke to play on peoples careers, that a normal person could make sense of, it is the stuff of prisons and police work and shows up here disobediently to get on my nerves and issue threats with its big mouth then claim each time I stopped it, that they had a license to continue because of the hype that I got from the Monarchy, meaning it is about to progress to the part where their involvement with my concerns is to be restricted only to the professional side, beyond which I will be the one making trouble for famous idiots around here instead as it were. The core of this is the sort of stupidities that Americans support, something to do with the way they were gamblers who put up their money on some money multiplication scheme that could only work if they bullied me until the investment session ended – does not believe I will end it badly, it is getting involved with my concerns unprofessionally, talking nonsense about capitalism and free market as a matter of the way I provocatively moved myself and my concerns around to change something as to which cost them money, with a big mouth.

They do claim I had a curse hanging over me but there is no such thing, just a bunch of fools who had decided to get on a public media platform and make the most of whether I was of some service to the Government and it was not publicly declared for some corruption that will help bring their wickedness into public view, especially in terms of the way my person was used or their stupidities were allowed to use it. it has now dug deep enough to hang about everyday countering all I did to move its stupidities on, keeping its salary and running my life with the social activities of criminals but it complains that people had died on my account at the same time. It does not believe that I will stop its need to handle other peoples children, concerning which their contribution to wrecking peoples lives and thereby creating crime and anti social behaviour was immeasurable, it does not believe that I will stop the gimmicks very badly, although I do not have enough ego in me to spend time making an exhibition of myself because its stupidities and that of its community is always touching me, I do have fantasies about the way that attacking the stupid children gives me more privacy and attacking their insolent stupidities gives me more mobility. In the end it is this one thing that continues to stand in the way, it saw me do private security some time and my whole life stopped since then due to how entitled their stupidities were, that if I continued to dither on a clearly set out clash with the famous, I will end up losing everything.

Time and again it would say something incredibly abusive in my direction, from a very public media presence and work its liberal satanism of problem moving and personal problem transfer via distant violence, to shoot off the big mouth so its criminals would hear it blab and continue to make the most of building communities that finger my bum – top of the list as it tended to play into the hands of a corrupt Heir to the Throne, is that I am a character who whose views were considered up to the top levels of Government but did not really know what he is doing. It is not at all what we are doing as such, what we are doing is more a matter of the men saying that some women got involved with my Office and have over the years picked up careers that the male population ought to feel entitled to, so I had to come into contact with the two points of view all the time, with the other one being that I am a public figure who got to meet some female journalists that thought I had a career that could support their own. the problem is that the idiots have been running my life with the social activities of criminals; we are talking about the crimes that have been committed and statements of power that were made, so the statements of power is used to run my life and or a crime had been committed, both criminal and victim had long paid a price for that crime and it was resolved at the Law Court but its stupidities was off running my life with the social issues concerned with it on National Media. The consequences is that it had made a complete mess of my First degree at University and is now spending a lot of time tearing down my Bookshop over claims it was famous and my response to being exasperated was something it found exhilarating, then added to the mix was a time I took up a job in the private security industry and the idiots became entitled to be protected by me – all together I have been saddled with a 20 year career mess because of how my personality and personal space may be used by other people. I do not think the matter was a crisis, it was always apt for Celebrities to pick up peoples lives and get rich fast, so the point where people made some sacrifices for the success they wanted become a delayed success which suggests that those who owned applicable property thought themselves entitled to be successful – it always carries on until it meets somebody who either by philanthropy or charity beats them back by running alternative campaigns about accountability, mainly on income sources, and of course they know I am Royalty as well for good measure. I do get told I felt I needed to explain everything I did but I don’t, I need to make a show of these matters – they speak of wealth and social inequality and ruin peoples lives over it but then the Politicians will employ a group of gits who seem to have drawn up a link between wrecking peoples health and feeling good enough to measure up to the wealthy – my party piece will be the tribalism raids, from the neighbourhoods, to pick up 6 figure salaries in other people’s reputably built companies, running me down for it every day. I am a typical example for instance, that I am working intellectual property administration because of the sheer number of CEOs who see my equities and thought I was a good pal to have on their side, as they were running companies that were easily local landmarks, so how on earth then do we end up with wealth and social inequality?

It does acknowledge that I fish out their gimmicks when I say things like these and it needs to stop stifling my Book sales with gimmicks that shoo away clients by making them afraid business will be ruined for their employers if they engaged, it needs to shut it down if it was keeping the salary that clearly gets to its head.

The obsession was to do with the way my capability was in doubt and yet they have not resolved their friends at the Monarchy being stupid men in the neighbourhoods, who get off burning my assets in communist territories, to get me doing the bidding of Celebrities but have not yet let us in on a knowledge of whether they enjoyed living in a Country that was a proxy of the USA as well either way, it does talk too much and when it blabs its criminals will hear it blab on the most public of Media platforms. In the end they claim I never do any fighting for those gimmicks where they cling to my Books for practical jokes and show up here exhibiting all sorts of stupidities associated with the idea that if I found smaller people were able to pick on me and get away with it, the meaning was that they had fought my wars and done my stuff - so far I have not attacked their stupidities to regain my mobility and have not attacked the stupid children to regain my privacy but it will not stop the way that foolish men half my size with society gimmicks, would have liked it to.

It is not a successful illiterate as such, its relentless stupidities indicates this, it just loved to lay waste to the things that people who were did to get by.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland