The core of the problem with the media is this case where it is not exactly clear when appearing to be tired is brought to a persons attention abusively and violently, on account they were carrying on with daily business never the less – but when it does become a tool in the hands of popularity idiots who used it to get victims spending years clearing out popularity consequences in a hope of being free from the distraction that blights their careers while others chased the profitable social life and public image, it tended to make sense of the corruption that only journalists can perpetuate.

In my case however, they have made an alliance with society gits and quasi criminals and cannot cease the fun of threatening me everyday to make sense of the way all I got up to showed up at their jobs to be displayed on a media presence designated to pass it off as another person’s career and trash my earnings, while parents whose activities blight other peoples lives in a bid to ensure armed services were on their beck and call, trained those stupid children of theirs in the office space, office block office window insults that get all over the streets to ensure they were able to make their sickening verbose insulting comments where others made the best work for a career and their socialites hung about where shop manager interests were situated, getting caught between those interests and the customers that buy their supplies from the shops, deciding how others ought to exists and speak and behave, over market gimmicks where they appear not to have known a time when business was unprofitable even when the owners were not working on it.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland