I am now told that I am incredibly good at using people which is utter nonsense. I don’t use them; they are bold enough to pick up my service processes and set about developing me a Public image which suggested that I am meant to solve impossibly complicated public issues, which results were markets for new companies they wanted to own and then the regular abusive insults followed already, that they were likely to share the incomes or such a market, so its clearly as bold as shit. The other side of the story is that they never get involved with my concerns for the purposes set out, so I use them as means to reach out to the people I really want to get involved with. Its like they say I think the US threat thing should be taken lightly while I don’t; the US threat is the one that is always entitled, so the last time it was a busy body freedom goon in China, it spent a lot of time ripping up British National Interests making strange speeches to Fashion designer gatherings and its list of abusive behaviour got increasingly worse since too; the big one is that it had set me out as some Royalty that needs money and people were going to see how much I was to serve them in order to get it but a turn of events have meant it has increasingly been irritatingly upstaging me whenever people got killed.

So I am said to be lazy and entitled which is also utter nonsense as it has always been about this people since I left school with a personality that can be used to pay people for being popular. It has not stopped a single 24 hours, building up a grooming process and poking it, building up abusive communities that run me down and put problems into it all day. So we find the other story to be that I am living on Universal Credit and they had an issue with the fact that I am – while they had turned the Universal Credit into a disadvantage and everybody else save themselves can see that if they wanted me to get a job, people would read my CV first and laugh later not the other way round and we also have facts that even when I do get a job, they cannot keep their imagination off my bum and on their stupid shop floor, so it usually develops into a battle where I upstaged them on Media and the backyards of Industry, so they had to let me go or claim that I couldn’t stay because somebody wanted to get rid of other employees to make me feel guilty. The Politicians would say that it was insubordination that I was not paying for naturally which is utter nonsense too – we know that if I became some sort of mad employee mass murderer, they would deny that coping with a process of being bullied to be paid peanuts over a public image and personality that can be used to pay people for being popular, on account that Celebrities wanted to get rich from it and award my employers contracts was responsible. I personally have set out that should I feel as though this process of being stuck with stupid disobedient and bold that shit Gold diggers gave way to a consummation of their abusive behaviour which led to decisions that impacted my finances to make me homeless, I will teach them a lesson they will never forget as well. So its all very well saying I dare people who are stronger and more successful while those who made such claims complained about the responsibility each time they crash what I do to get by in such ways; we know the start of this problem was the time that it became impossible to just sit down and do anything without smelling, it is still the problem and the botched University studies was the last straw for my tolerance on the career front, damage to my Bookshop which is keeping me on the Universal Credit as well, was the last straw on the financial front – especially as they have now passed on the bottom chasing bits to a handful of low lives that had criminal records and nothing in the world to live for, talking nonsense about deciding what my friends will be.

There is this statements they make that its about the way I got to manage crowds and become a Celebrity while their stupidities took up an Arch Prince’s Office, as stupidly as possible with a big mouth but we know that my Books cannot be sold by making me a Celebrity and that their stupidities were creating a lot of insanity when they failed to give it up. Either way, it seems my financial difficulties are due to the way that they make enough mess to ensure financially successful and important people didn’t have the time to read it although interested and for their part, their stupid celebrities had decided what I did with my publishers was the new fame, so I am waiting for another instance when they will say that they had built a crowd to make me solve a problem that they knew I could after this history and then it will kick off again with their stupidities firmly fixed on how my personality and social life should be used – this time I should do my best to make the outcome the finale.

I have been told I never really explain why it is that I get involved with Celebrities and then have to show I dislike them but I don’t – what happened is that I built up a way to support younger people in school environment with respect to the way that crime affected them and Celebrities were involved with the process, so each time they handle my concerns to make entertainment outside of this, they were coping out and I can only tolerate so much for my part too. Then there is the women bits where each time women get involved with my concerns the whole business of showing that when you have a career, there was in order to keep it a substitute point of interest for the men who need sex and so such substitute points of interests where it affects me, bring up the business of that old dream where they sleep with people my age to gain access to anything I had denied them by controlling the entire age range but this time, I can never win when I am involved with older women, so they will buy products until I got into trouble but then again the Celebrities have a completely different view of this and theirs is about ambition and a need to race each other to the millions on my wealth equity structures, so they play both sides but then again they can only make so much money since it was clear that at some stage they will no longer be able to fulfil the purpose of the system they had gotten involved with according to their own ideas on what it should be and this is usually the point where trouble begins because its time for them to let go but they had become spoiled and entitled because they think there is no way I an enforce a process of denying them access to my concerns. It’s a case of involvement being a matter of culture media and sports if it is respectful and if not they were chasing the wealth equity systems and can only make so much money before to end up in a situation where they can no longer work it. The problem is the way people trash all these matters, then others drop out of school, the pressure pushes me out of mine and then they build a crowd to persecute me because they were affected – I would never know why an arrangement whereby a handful of white women made popular culture from the way black women who are the main cause of these social ills, get passionate when they get into trouble with the law, was systematically hunted down, dismantled and broken up, even by the popular culture industry that liked to pick them off for jobs and contracts because state provided security at my Office offered a degree of safety from the criminal activities that hound their sort of business, I only know they said they were replacing it with something that was more representative of wider society and now we can see that they are unable to stop the black people ripping up academic pursuits and socially moral activities – the entire time of which it was as simple as some women making popular culture which by the way was completely harmless. So I am gained to see all of these as a process where some organised crime goons had met them over an impediment to the business which worked in favour of younger people at school and they acted accordingly – for my part, I have to rebuild it because I need something by which I can say that as much as Industry people value and boast of the bad things that will happen when their pride and joy is damaged, they ought to know I am capable of punishment when mine is too, otherwise I have not really put a handle on their activities to help me control it.

They do say Industry people want to put a handle on my concerns but its utter nonsense and counter productive – I mean they are always kicking against the thorns and churning their tummy to talk nonsense about moving into my right hand or building me publicity that says I should be getting into a fight to make them feel safe, because they and their children have not give up their abusive insults whereby they want to become more important than I am using my own social life and public image – I can use it as a tool to continue this process of deciding how they got to handle the service processes of my Bookshop and how they got involved with my Hermitage which I will but they have raised the issue at this stage when I have not done it yet.

Politicians have insisted they are unable to make sense of what I am doing naturally, we know however that this is far from the truth, if the same process of claiming people who show up to bother me at University, claiming the Law existed to serve injustice on the strong when the weak messed with them, right up to the stage where their interest in my social life was to develop alternative norms that will provide a counter effect, were nice people who needed money until this relationship with Celebrities that run me down everyday, after my University studies was wrecked, had developed. It is impossible to suggest they don’t know what I am doing if the same process has been repeated when the Queen made decisions about people who are usually a plaything for the armed services in terms of the racists and ethnic minority gits, to such an extent we have ended up with a Public crisis and my Bookshop has been trashed, followed on with such gimmicks as daily experimentation with a prospect of making a decision to withdraw Universal Credit support from me and make me homeless, in order to fulfil the dream of those who mess with gold diggers ending up in such ways and nothing has yet been paid for damaging my Books, which really adds up to criminal activity as well, about which I too have warned it will lead to outcome where I got to teach them a lesson their stupidities will never forget if I felt it had become a real threat too. It is impossible to say they are unaware of what I am doing when their girls spend time on nothing but insults that target me and my financial well being – such that they must pick up my work and share it with industry fools who helped them make money by the way side and get imagination around my private parts to avoid impending consequences or cover their tracks if there were any, impossible to say they are unaware of what I am doing if the outcome of perverted Celebrity interest in me is creating the idea that I expose my emotions to them and blame others for the consequences while I really set about picking them up every time they pick up my financial interests and public duties and when I believe they had set the stage for me to get involved with those I really want to get involved with, I may get rid of them. impossible to say they don’t know what I am doing if the Court of female journalists have people all over it who had invited themselves into my concerns to counter a process where a group of women claimed they spent spare time having anal sex with me and they had to believe it because they were showing up everywhere at the Monarchy to fight my battles and create sex cults for their stupid selves from my Hermitage, while any doubts would likely have been cleared out once I began processes of backing up the women to ensure our anal sex does not affect the career. Impossible to say they don’t know what I am doing when this fits into the way their idiots set about public support for prognosis of racism, saddle government with task of tackling the violent bits and set about commandeering my social life to fight for my civil rights because their stupidities had money issues – the part about ending up homeless eventually due to the way I get caught up with gold diggers and the German influence stupidities that helped them out with talk of the town insults that leave me as a threat to those I cared about while if I got married and the marriage broke down because of it, they would have progressed from a handful of two faced tarts that did not have to organise their lives for any reason into something of a threat, really is the most tolerable of them all.

This story of the problems ethnic minorities create and how it never gets resolved keeps showing up on the back of it all the time, propelled by a handful of idiots who consider themselves tough enough to handle me but are just a handful of very mean female gits looking for a response that will change their lives – goes without saying that I have reached the end of my tolerance on it and will be linking the next instance with the way I dropped out of University because they brought their friends from overseas for me to fight while I was studying. We find those gimmicks progress from the sense that my position of culture and society villainy as a matter of a Royal Order was an affront to German interests because they believed they would be able to handle me by means of some two bit, two faced tart, German influenced talk of the town insolence that is a prime impediment to my social and personal life but the part they never mention was the prognosis of this nonsense being that they needed those signals they put out all the time that I dreamed of a relationship with them and they were going to get rich from it, by getting into a relationship with others while setting me out as a character people bullied to be successful at market, which they have always wanted to make me into and have not given it up yet, as stupidly as possible. They tell those tales all the time that I have derogatory views of women while reality was the way I am meant to match this with a process of coming into contact with 12 year olds that are always worried about a character that will hide behind the bushes and do strange things to people, because they considered their stupidities to be real women and have already covered their tracks showing up to perform this nonsense where I had done the best work for my career, while damage to University stupidities simply allows them to spread inspiration for another group of fools that shove hoodlums through the academic system to clear local communities of criminals on my Public image, which allows them to make those stupid decisions about what I studied and whether or not I did being one of the main decisions their stupidities may make in life – the entire time it claims it cannot understand why the British are relaxed about money issues but successful while at the same time there was a feminist issue if somebody who thought everything seen had to be spent like they did, spent their jobs because they were on maternity, which comes with the territory. I have had enough of this nonsense at this stage and I suppose it will predictably the next time it got on nerves, set about handing onto me the means by which it conducts its concerns safely and then I will be the person inflicting the smell issues from then on, especially over those stupid gestures on what passes on their left hand side and right hand side, setting the stage for their idiocy to address me and continue to push on plans of hurting me to be successful at the markets, while their abusive insolence are now taking a turn for a form of discrimination with a big mouth. The next time they tackle me to follow on this nonsense I think of in terms of their signals for relationship being perhaps a matter of having somebody at home they can set out as a punching bag in order to be successful at market, producing an outcome where the relationship was taken by another while the suffering was mine anyway, I really am going to teach them a lesson they will never forget as well. In the end it still comes down to the working bed chamber I had set out because I had a public life and that meant prospects of going to bed away from home and if their bottom chasing issues got around that, there will be bigger problems than what we face currently over it as such; so far the suffering that had befallen people is due to a need people had to be complicit with their abusive behaviour since the last time I wrote the Book on the matter as such and I intend to keep security for my property going in such ways into the future, it is quite unusual a fact that whilst I should have been afraid of them I am not is rather incredibly stupid, which feeds into the idea its how German culture works and makes sense of the fact when given a job, they spend their time avoiding culture and society issues at my expense and its always insulting and abusive and full of discriminatory accusations because they fancied their stupidities were bullies all together, the reasons I love to provoke them more by making sense of it where they had done the best work for their career too.

So I am told I still think that people believe I am doing the wrong thing but I don’t, just careful to avoid working without the Queens approval, since British identity is usually mostly expressed in the work environment with respect to the evil things that happen in the world mostly because people go to a job a environment to use it as a platform for something else and that obfuscations needed to be avoided and thought of as utter nonsense while the professional part of the work needed to be sought out and completed, it if was corrupted, the whole arrangement was unfit for purpose. They do say they want to copy this naturally and its all good, save the time I would be chasing National Interest and will want to know if they copied it because they had money to get involved with the financial system, were manufacturers of goods who wanted to engage in it or were playing games associated with civil rights gimmicks that will assist terrorism and international crime in money laundering. I am told I do not really have guarantees with the companies but I do, its mostly that they do not interfere with Publicity that allows me run the Trust system and sell my Books while I broker the equities with them and if they wanted to stop being a part of it, they would change their operations and processes to reflect this which is not really a risky decision making process; however we see even so that these other gits will say that Germans acting like they had no will to handle the British was dangerous and its an example of the way they pick up jobs to use as a platform for alternative and destructive activities, the gimmick with the British being those times they wanted others to pay the price for consequences of such immoral and corrupt personal decisions but for me it play out as this incredible fight for survival that involved making sure consumers did not suffer for buying products simply because I was involved in the manufacturing process. Then again, if the Americans did pick up what we did with the rest of the world pound for pound, the Germans wouldn’t have had a voice and its an example of the compromises we have made – not that the American cannot but they have complained about these Political justice problems and social matters, the first stage of resolving it which have come through and we can see that had run out of lies to tell, we have to progress from here into the future. The other risks were influences from the Islamic world that was the main point at which I find myself fending off quasi criminals over Books I had written entirely about my life because media made statements on how bad they can get and how I underestimated criticising them, over the aspects that pointed out their involvement with my concerns most of which were unhealthy  - the industry bits being that they started making statements about the products oil money buys from the west, which progressed towards some design tribute communities they created and it was in 2019 that I began to face a problem when they started getting auditions to design cars but their designs always came with a sharp edge and the rejection got those wealthy Muslims contracting the car companies to build their own designs for them on claims that they were rejected due to discrimination, so we found soon after they had super car grave yards where they bought expensive cars and trashed them and that they wanted to built their own influence in the Car industry but when they handled my property equity, the main issue was that it was a more difficult task to click on a social media profile and follow it.

So I am said to send confusing signals about the world I want to live in but I don’t – I am not really interested in which one people say adds up to good or bad, I am interested in the one that is causing some real harm and which one isn’t and the way we live in delusion that rich people spend their time inventing ways to harm us. The truth of it is that those who harm others with business usually come through as completely harmless and then once they had gained a footing, the trail of destruction continues and is endless but generally customer services and hurting people are two different things all together, while the practical jokes victims play on people can be a real impediment for those that are trying to ensure they did not get their hands on means and property. It’s the sort of things that get resolved in an area of my Trust that I set out as a spiritual canopy, where people mainly made sense of the way the products they purchased affected their lives, so the Germans were the main Industrial influence at the canopy spiritual as such but it has now been completely decimated, not my fault but that of Germans and if I mentioned it so, they would be off to an abusive form of familiarity that causes the stomach sickness which mental disposition and aura they can spread around to wreck the rest of peoples work and hold them over a barrel on media, and will never stop if I asked them to, so I am more interested in the people who make the most use of the canopy – communities that are interested in those bottom chasing abuses, the way that professional services should operate and broadcasting media should work, not really true that people can do whatever they like here. People are really not supposed to live with a process of how badly they can be treated, ideas about it and experiments to suggest it hanging over them and there is nothing about my concerns which is an affront to Germans, only life changing insults on their part which ordinarily would not have secured a response from me I suppose.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland