Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, November 27, 2024,

The point is endlessly being put forward, that I had become
a plaything for everybody which I have not – the first time these abuses and
attack on my career got serious over the handling of my personality for popular
culture, we ended up with one history where these fools were now working Media
and Celebrity culture to suggest that publicity built for a history of inaction
on my part, bearing in mind this was their history to handle in the first
instance, showed that I am a coward and helpe...
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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Tuesday, October 25, 2022,

They do claim the main problem was that I never stopped
picking up problems I cannot resolve. What it really means is that it believed
I spent a lot of time cutting the corners where I did not say a bunch of stupid
men lighting up the streets with headlamps between 4 and 7 am and then again
between 4 and 7 pm on their way back from work, on running my life with social
activities of criminals, were criminals, therefore getting on my nerves did not
come with dangers attached. The reality howeve...
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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, September 1, 2022,

We then had to listen to that nonsense that I did not know
what to do with what I owned and would not learn from others due to an attitude
problem – it is utter nonsense just as much as we know that as long as they
were not spending their time on the need to show up here and feel superior to
me, they were talking about variables with respect to the bank account balance
that causes them to turn up here, make a mess of my career to pick up my income
margins and brag that they were so financia...
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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Monday, August 22, 2022,

They do claim this is all some massive German wrath that I
am victim to – it is utter nonsense, just a bunch of incredibly stupid individuals
who looked like they would be impervious to harm, if somebody galvanised their
need to make themselves the biggest problem other people’s social activities faced,
up to the point where the careers were affected and set about harming them with
it. In the end nobody is consigning them to the fringes of society and nobody
had to put up with their stupi...
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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, March 14, 2021,

So, they do claim I had become a force for division, and it
is only concerning when they are about to put it to their silly media bubble
naturally. The reality of it is that it’s a handful of idiots who are bigger
than I am and had decided they wanted to make money with my public image and or
my work before I am allowed to move on with my own concerns – the Celebrity
ones were going to do this at any cost, so they worked on me like a person
works a career to grow from promotion to promoti...
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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Monday, February 8, 2021,

They tell this story whereby I never listen when I am told
that other people were out of my league and its utter nonsense as I don’t care
where their league is located and do not care what their league was, just a
problem associated with my Bookshop being said to be a business which really
does not exist to make a complete mess of my finances and so it becomes a story
of what in deed I need to do to harm them enough and do so enough times to
ensure that their behaviour towards the Bookshop ...
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